Depressed Lenny Face - (◞‸◟) Copy Paste Depressed Emoji Text

Click to Copy (∥ ̄■ ̄∥) And Paste (*ノз`*) Depressed Lenny Faces

(◢ д ◣)
( ̄σ・・ ̄)
(∥ ̄■ ̄∥)
Depressed Lenny Face - (◞‸◟) Copy Paste Depressed Emoji Text

Depress Text Faces(ー○ー) Copy and (´・仝・`) Paste Depressed Lenny faces

Depressed Lenny face or Depress text face is a type of Lenny / text face that is used to show depression. This is a simple emoticon that is created by combining the ASCII characters " ͡ " and " ͜ " to form the facial expression of a person with (◞‸◟) low-down eyebrows and a closed mouth. Here, you will find all types of depressed text faces like (◢ д ◣), (っ´ω`c), (◞‸◟), ( ̄σ・・ ̄), (´・_・`), and much more. Here, you can also copy-paste and share Depressed Lenny faces online.

Where I Can Share Depressed Lenny Face?

You can share Depressed Lenny faces on any website, software, or messaging app that supports text input. This also includes social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Tumblr, Youtube, and Instagram as well as messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Youtube, and Skype. Here, you will also find built-in buttons Whatsapp and Twitter that will help you to share your depressed text faces on Whatsapp and Twitter.

How to Copy (∥ ̄■ ̄∥) Depressed Lenny Face?

How to Copy (∥ ̄■ ̄∥) Depressed Lenny Face?

It is easy to copy (∥ ̄■ ̄∥) depressed Lenny face. You have to just click on the text face that you want to copy. As you click, it will copy your text face and it also appears on the Textarea section bar. Just like up there an image you see at. Here, you can also copy and paste multiple text faces. In order to do that you have to just click on the text faces that you want to copy. As you click it will appear on the Textarea section bar then click on the "Copy it" button. Just like up there an image you see at. This will copy all your text faces from the Textarea section bar.

How to Share (◞‸◟)Depressed Lenny Faces?

It is easy to share Depressed Lenny faces. In order to share text faces you have to just click on the text faces, as click on the text faces they will appear on the Textarea section bar. Here, you will find built-in buttons "Whatsapp" and "Twitter". If you want to share your Lenny faces on Whatsapp, you have just to click on the "Whatsapp" button it will share all your lenny faces from the Textarea section bar to WhatsApp. If you want to share on Twitter, you have to just click on the "Twitter" button it will share all your lenny faces from the Text section bar to Twitter.

How to make (・´з`・) depressed Lenny's faces bigger and smaller?

How to make (・´з`・) depressed Lenny's faces bigger and smaller?

It is easy to make depressed Lenny's faces bigger and smaller. In order to do that you have to just click on the Font Size: Input range bar that is located on the below main menu bar. Then slide on the right side to make lenny faces bigger and slide on the left side to make lenny faces smaller. Just like up there an image you see at.